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  • The Proper Disposal of Leaves and Limbs

    As the seasons change, so do the chores that come with them. Among these, one of the most common is collecting and disposing of leaves and limbs. This task is necessary to avoid a messy yard and potential hazards. At BVR Waste & Recycling, we’re happy to help you cross the finish line of yard cleanup. But there are some simple yet critical steps before you get to the disposal part. Read our article about composting HERE. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure your yard waste is handled efficiently and responsibly. Before you start bagging leaves and limbs, gather the necessary tools. We recommend beginning by raking leaves into manageable piles. Start from the outer edges of your yard and work your way towards the center. This will make bagging and disposal much more efficient. Bagging Leaves When it comes to bagging leaves, it's crucial to use the correct type of bag. Opt for biodegradable or compostable bags. Avoid plastic bags, as they can harm the environment. Place your gathered leaves into the bags, ensuring you fill them appropriately. Tie the bags securely to prevent spillage during transport. Your leaf bags should go directly into your blue BVR waste bins. Handling Limbs For larger yard waste-like limbs that don’t fit into your blue bin, simply break them down into smaller pieces. Use a saw or pruning shears to cut limbs into manageable lengths. Bundling them together with twine or rope will make them easier to handle. All brush needs to be cut into pieces four feet long or shorter. Once they’re the appropriate size, schedule a pick-up time through the BVR mobile app. Your yard scraps will be picked up on the same day as your regular collection once you pay the nominal yard scrap fee. Scheduling Pickup Caring for your yard waste doesn’t have to be challenging if you're a BVR Waste & Recycling customer. Simply download the app and book a yard waste pickup ahead of time. This way, you can ensure that your waste and recycling service will collect your yard scraps along with your regular trash and recycling. Placing Bins and Bags for Pickup On the scheduled pickup day, simply place your yard waste at the curb by 8 a.m. in your designated blue bin in an easily accessible location. This will help the collection team efficiently gather and dispose of the waste. Environmental Benefits Properly disposing of yard waste is not just a matter of convenience; it's an environmentally responsible practice. Leaves and limbs that are disposed of correctly can be composted or mulched, contributing to healthier soil and reducing the burden on landfills. Following these steps ensures that your yard waste is handled responsibly and efficiently. Remember, if you're a BVR Waste & Recycling customer, scheduling a pickup for your yard scraps is as easy as a few taps on your phone. Together, we can positively impact our environment, one bag of leaves and limbs at a time. Happy fall!

  • The Journey of a Can: Transforming Waste into Environmental Triumph

    Did you know that September 27th is known annually as “National Crush a Can Day”? In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of seemingly small actions, like recycling a single can. However, this unassuming act carries far-reaching environmental implications. We see many cans come through the BVR Waste & Recycling Facility! What better way to celebrate Crush a Can Day than to embark on the journey of a can, unraveling the intricate process that transforms it from discarded waste to a beacon of sustainability. Step 1: Collection The journey begins at your doorstep in a bustling city or a quiet suburban neighborhood. Our dedicated waste management team, armed with specialized trucks, makes regular rounds, collecting recyclables from homes, businesses, and public spaces. Cans are gathered alongside other materials, forming a mosaic of potential environmental impact. Step 2: Sorting and Transportation Once collected, the recyclables are transported to our state-of-the-art recycling facility. Here, the sorting process commences, separating materials into distinct categories. Advanced technology, including conveyor belts, optical scanners, and human expertise, ensure accuracy and efficiency. Our humble can is identified, setting it on a unique path toward transformation. Step 3: Shredding and Cleaning Now separated from other recyclables, the cans undergo a meticulous cleaning process. They are washed, removing any residual liquids or contaminants. Next, they are shredded into smaller pieces, readying them for the smelting process. This step prepares the material for recycling and conserves valuable resources by reducing the need for virgin materials. Step 4: Melting and Refining The shredded aluminum is then placed in a furnace and heated to extremely high temperatures. This causes the metal to melt, allowing impurities to rise to the surface and be skimmed off. What remains is pure, molten aluminum ready for transformation into new products. This crucial step significantly reduces the energy required compared to using raw materials. Step 5: Forming New Products From the molten aluminum emerges a world of possibilities. It can be molded into various products, ranging from new cans to car parts and even aerospace components. This versatility highlights the immense value of recycling, as it conserves resources and reduces the environmental footprint associated with extracting and processing raw materials. Step 6: Distribution and Use The newly formed products return to our lives, often unrecognizable from their previous incarnations. A recycled can might return as a refreshing beverage container, reimagined and ready to embark on another chapter of its environmental journey. The Environmental Impact The journey of a can is not just a fascinating process; it's an environmental triumph. By recycling a single can, we collectively contribute to: 1. Energy Conservation Recycling aluminum requires up to 95% less energy than producing it from raw materials. This massive reduction in energy consumption translates into lower greenhouse gas emissions and a lighter burden on our planet's resources. 2. Resource Conservation Recycling aluminum conserves natural resources like bauxite, which is the primary source of aluminum. By utilizing recycled aluminum, we decrease the demand for mining operations, which can be environmentally disruptive. 3. Reduced Landfill Waste By diverting cans from landfills, we mitigate the strain on our already overburdened waste management systems. This means less land used for waste disposal and a cleaner, healthier environment. Though seemingly small, the journey of a can is a testament to the power of recycling. It showcases the immense impact one individual act can have on our environment. Every can be recycled is a step toward a more sustainable future where we cherish and protect the world we call home. So, let's continue this journey together, one can at a time, and make a lasting difference for generations to come. Contact your friends at BVR Waste & Recycling today to sign up for our curbside recycling services!

  • Donating vs. Disposing

    What to Do with Unwanted Items in September As September rolls around, many of us find ourselves in a cleaning and decluttering mood. The back-to-school spirit or the subtle change in the weather inspires us to tidy up our homes. Maybe it’s all of the get-togethers that are lingering in our minds. Nevertheless, it’s the perfect time to reassess our belongings and make choices about what to do with items we no longer need. But before you toss everything into the trash for us to collect, consider the benefits of donating instead. Why Donate in September? Back-to-School Season: September marks the start of a new school year, and many families are in need of school supplies, clothing, and other essentials. Donating gently used items can help less fortunate people in your community. Tax Benefits: Donating to registered nonprofit organizations can often lead to tax deductions. If you itemize your deductions, this can translate into real savings come tax season. Be sure to keep a record of your donations and ask for a receipt from the charitable organization. Environmental Impact: Every item we throw away contributes to landfill waste and environmental degradation. By choosing to donate, you extend the life of your belongings and reduce the overall waste generated. Community Building: Donating to local charities or shelters fosters a sense of community and goodwill. It's a chance to connect with your neighbors and contribute to the well-being of those around you. What Can You Donate? The possibilities are vast when it comes to items you can donate. Here are some common categories: 1. Clothing: Gently worn clothing, shoes, and accessories can find a second life in the hands of someone in need. 2. Furniture: If you're upgrading your furniture, consider donating your old pieces to a charity or a thrift store. 3. Books and Toys: Children's books and toys are in high demand at local shelters and schools. 4. Household Items: Kitchenware, bedding, and small appliances still in good condition can benefit someone starting over. 5. Electronics: Some organizations accept working electronics, such as laptops or smartphones, which can be refurbished and given to individuals or schools. Where to Donate? There are numerous options for donating your items: 1. Local Charities: Look for local charities, shelters, and churches in your area that accept donations. They often have specific needs and will appreciate your contributions. If you’re in Brenham, we recommend donating to Faith Mission. If you’re in the Brazos Valley, we recommend Twin City Mission. 2. Thrift Stores: Thrift stores are a common destination for donated items. Places like Goodwill and Salvation Army accept various donations and use the proceeds to fund their charitable programs. 3. Online Platforms: Websites and apps like Freecycle, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace can connect you with people in your community who are actively looking for items you're willing to give away. 4. Donation Drives: Watch for community-wide donation drives and events in your area. These often focus on specific needs and can be a convenient way to contribute. In conclusion, as you embark on your September cleaning and decluttering mission, think twice before throwing things in the trash. Your unwanted items could be treasures for someone else, and by donating, you not only help those in need but also positively impact the environment and your community. So, this September, choose to donate and be a part of something bigger than yourself. Remember that the act of giving is not limited to a specific time of year. Consider making donating a regular part of your life, and you'll find that the rewards go far beyond the items you part with. Happy decluttering and donating this September!

  • Green Tips for a Sustainable School Year

    Nurturing Eco-Friendly Habits As the school bells ring in a new academic year, it's a wonderful opportunity for students, parents, and teachers to embrace eco-friendly practices that benefit the environment and cultivate a sense of responsibility and sustainability. As your local waste and recycling source, we want to share various green tips that can be incorporated into your busy daily lives, leading to a healthier and happier school year. Making a big impact is simple if we collectively commit to new small daily routines. 1. Choose Eco-Friendly School Supplies: When shopping for school supplies, opt for environmentally friendly items. Look for products made from recycled materials, such as notebooks, binders, and pencils. To reduce plastic waste, consider reusable options like refillable ink pens and mechanical pencils. 2. Pack a Waste-Free Lunch: Ditch single-use plastic bags and disposable containers. Instead, use reusable lunch containers, cloth napkins, and stainless steel or glass water bottles. Encourage your kids to help pack their lunches with various wholesome foods, minimizing pre-packaged snacks that generate excess waste. 3. Embrace Energy Efficiency: Turn off lights and electronics when they're not in use. Unplugging chargers and electronics when they're fully charged can help save energy and reduce electricity bills. Educate students about the importance of conserving energy and encourage them to adopt energy-saving practices at school and home. 4. Reduce Paper Waste: Promote digital note-taking and assignments whenever possible. Use laptops or tablets to access online resources and submit assignments electronically. When printing is necessary, encourage double-sided printing to save paper. 5. Practice Responsible Recycling: Educate students about proper recycling practices. Ensure that recycling bins are clearly labeled and conveniently placed around the school. Teach students which items are recyclable and which should be disposed of properly. The BVR Waste & Recycling Blog is a great place to look for your recycling basics! Click HERE to view our acceptable materials document. 6. Reduce Plastic Use: Encourage students to use reusable containers instead of disposable plastic packaging for snacks and drinks. Plastic waste is a primary environmental concern, and every small step toward reducing its usage counts. Read our article on paper bags HERE. 7. Educate and Advocate: With great power comes great responsibility! Once you become an expert recycler, share the wisdom with your kids, students, and friends. Empower them to advocate for new daily routines, such as reducing plastic use, properly recycling, and conserving power. Follow us on social media and share our informative posts for your community to be inspired by! The start of a new school year is an opportunity to embark on a journey toward a more sustainable lifestyle. By integrating these green tips into our daily routines, we can create a collective impact that extends beyond the classroom walls. Let's inspire a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who understand their role in preserving the planet for future generations. As students, parents, and educators, we have the power to make a difference, one eco-friendly choice at a time.

  • How to Make Recycling a Fun Family Activity

    Recycling is more than just a responsible environmental practice; it's an opportunity to bring your family together in a shared mission to protect the planet. Instead of considering recycling a chore, why not turn it into a fun and engaging family activity? August is known as “Family Fun Month,” so we'll explore creative ways to make recycling a part of your family's routine while instilling eco-conscious values in your children. Get Educated Together: Start by educating your family about the importance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment. Get your kids involved by explaining how recycling helps conserve resources, reduces pollution, and protects wildlife. There are numerous resources available, such as documentaries, books, and interactive websites, that can make learning about recycling enjoyable for all ages. Click through the BVR Waste & Recycling Instagram, Facebook, and blog for educational tips and ideas. Designate Recycling Champions: Assign each family member a specific role in the recycling process. Make it a fun competition by designating recycling champions and see who can collect the most recyclables each week. Creating a friendly rivalry can motivate everyone to participate and contribute to the cause actively. Celebrate the winner's efforts with a small reward, like a favorite dessert or a family movie night. Set Up a Recycling Center: Designate a space in your home or garage as a recycling center. Place labeled bins for different recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum. Involve your children in decorating the bins with colorful labels and stickers to make the recycling area visually appealing and inviting. You can even print off our acceptable materials document and hang it by the bins for accurate placement! Turn Recycling into a Game: Incorporate a little playfulness into the recycling routine. Challenge your family to sort recyclables as quickly as possible and set a new record each time. You can also create a scavenger hunt to find recyclables around the house or during outdoor outings. The excitement of the game will transform recycling into an enjoyable experience for the whole family. DIY Upcycling Projects: Give recycling a creative twist by incorporating upcycling projects into your family activities. Encourage your children to turn recyclable materials into new and useful items. For example, you can create a bird feeder using an old plastic bottle or turn cardboard boxes into imaginative playhouses. The possibilities are endless, and upcycling fosters a sense of accomplishment and creativity in children. We shared several ideas for these crafts in THIS article! Reward Responsible Recycling: Create a reward system that recognizes consistent efforts in recycling and sustainability practices. For instance, when your family reaches a certain recycling goal or successfully reduces waste, celebrate with a fun outing to a park, zoo, or nature reserve. This not only encourages recycling but also strengthens family bonds through shared experiences. Transforming recycling into a fun family activity can instill lifelong environmental responsibility and sustainability values in your children. By educating, engaging, and celebrating together, recycling becomes more than just a routine task – it becomes an enjoyable journey toward a greener and cleaner world. So, gather your family, embark on this eco-conscious adventure, and let the positive impact of recycling extend beyond your home to inspire others in your community!

  • The Benefits of Choosing Paper Bags

    BVR Waste & Recycling plays a pivotal role in shaping a greener future. One effective way to contribute to environmental sustainability is by promoting paper bags over plastic. Paper bags offer numerous benefits, ranging from eco-friendly nature to versatility and recyclability. We’ve all heard that paper is better than plastic, but do we know why? In honor of “World Paper Bag Day,” we will explore the advantages of choosing paper bags and why they are smart for businesses and consumers. 1. Eco-Friendly and Renewable Paper bags are a renewable resource derived from responsibly grown and harvested trees. Sustainable forestry practices ensure new trees are planted to replace those used for paper production. Plastic bags are made from non-renewable fossil fuels, contributing to the depletion of natural resources. Additionally, BVR Waste & Recycling is thrilled to recycle your paper bags. Simply toss it in your green recycling can, and we’ll take care of the rest! Click HERE to see which materials are accepted at BVR Waste & Recycling. 2. Biodegradable and Compostable Paper bags are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by natural processes over time, unlike plastic bags which can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. When disposed of properly, paper bags decompose into organic matter, reducing landfill waste. Moreover, paper bags are suitable for composting, enriching the soil as they break down. 3. Reduced Carbon Footprint The production of paper bags requires significantly less energy than plastic bags. Manufacturing plastic bags takes four times more energy than producing paper bags. Individuals and businesses can reduce their carbon footprint by choosing paper bags and contributing to mitigating climate change. 4. Versatility and Durability Paper bags have evolved over the years to become highly versatile and durable. They can withstand heavy loads and be suitable for various applications. Paper bags can accommodate different sizes and shapes. Advances in paper bag production techniques have led to enhanced tear resistance and waterproofing. 5. Recyclable and Recycled Content Paper bags have excellent recycling capabilities. They can be recycled into new paper products, minimizing waste and reducing the demand for fresh raw materials. Recycling paper bags also saves energy and reduces water consumption compared to producing virgin paper. Waste and recycling companies like BVR can close the loop and promote a circular economy by using recycled paper in bag production. Paper bags offer many benefits, making them a wise choice for businesses and individuals concerned about sustainability. Their eco-friendly nature, renewability, biodegradability, and recyclability set them apart from plastic bags, significantly contributing to environmental pollution. By embracing paper bags, we can collectively reduce waste, conserve resources, and pave the way for a greener future. In honor of “Paper Bag Day” and concerning our planet, let’s consider choosing paper bags!

  • Party Clean-Up with BVR Waste & Recycling

    5 Tips for Quickly and Efficiently Cleaning Up Your Home and Yard After a Summer Party Summer is the season for entertaining, and hosting parties is a great way to make lasting memories. However, the aftermath of a summer gathering can leave your home and yard in disarray. With some planning and the right approach, you can tackle the post-party cleanup quickly and efficiently. As the final touchpoint for the aftermath of parties... we can share practical tips to restore order and cleanliness to your space. 1. Gather the Essentials Beforehand: Gathering all the necessary cleaning supplies beforehand is essential to save time and minimize interruptions during the cleanup process. Stock up on trash bags, recycling bins, cleaning sprays, gloves, and other necessary tools. This proactive approach ensures that you will save time searching for supplies in the midst of cleaning. Having everything ready will allow you to move swiftly from one task to another, maximizing efficiency. Call the BVR Customer Service line today to set up your trash service if you haven’t yet! 2. Start with Trash and Recycling Separation: Before diving into detailed cleaning tasks, focus on gathering and separating the trash from the recyclable items. Place recycling bins around your party area to encourage guests to dispose of empty bottles, cans, and other recyclables properly. This helps you maintain an eco-friendly approach and streamlines the sorting process later. Assigning designated areas for trash and recycling collection ensures a smoother and more efficient cleanup. Click HERE to read our guide to solidify what goes in the waste bins and what can be recycled. 3. Enlist the Help of Friends and Family: Cleaning up after a summer party can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be a solo effort. Enlist your friends and family members to make the process faster and more enjoyable. Delegate specific tasks, such as tidying the dining area, collecting trash, or sweeping the yard. With everyone pitching in, you can restore your home to its pre-party state. 4. Tackle One Area at a Time: Rather than attempting to clean your entire home and yard simultaneously, focus on one area at a time. Start with the areas that require immediate attention, such as the kitchen, dining area, or outdoor seating spaces. Once you've tidied up a particular zone, move on to the next one. You'll maintain momentum and prevent feeling overwhelmed by breaking down the cleanup process into manageable chunks. This approach also allows you to see tangible progress, which can be motivating. 5. Don't Forget the Outdoors: While it's crucial to clean the interior of your home after a party, it's equally important to give attention to your outdoor spaces. Remove any debris from your yard or patio, such as food scraps, cups, or plates. If you have outdoor furniture, wipe it down and store it away if necessary. Additionally, check your landscaping for any damage or litter and address it accordingly. A well-maintained outdoor area completes your home's overall clean and welcoming atmosphere. Cleaning up after a summer party doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these five tips, you can efficiently and quickly restore order to your home and yard. Remember to gather your cleaning supplies in advance, separate trash and recycling, enlist the help of others, tackle one area at a time, and pay attention to outdoor spaces. With a systematic approach and a little teamwork, you'll enjoy the benefits of hosting parties without worrying about the aftermath. So, go ahead, throw those summer soirées, and clean up with confidence!

  • 5 Summer Crafts for Kids Using Recyclables

    Turning Waste into Fun! Summer is the perfect time for kids to unleash their creativity and have fun while learning about the importance of recycling and reducing waste. We also know that finding independent hands-on activities for kids is the only way to keep them quiet while home from school! We’re committed to promoting sustainability and believe in the power of education and hands-on activities at BVR Waste & Recycling. That's why we've compiled this exciting list of five summer crafts for kids using recyclables. These crafts encourage artistic expression and teach valuable lessons about repurposing and caring for our environment. So, gather your recyclables, grab some glue, and let's get crafting! Click HERE to read our guide on recyclable materials. 1. Cardboard Tube Binoculars: Materials Needed: Two cardboard tubes (toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls) Decorative materials (e.g., paint, markers, stickers) String or ribbon Scissors Hole punch Instructions: 1. Decorate the cardboard tubes with paints, markers, or stickers to give them a personalized touch. 2. Punch a hole on each side of the tubes and attach a string or ribbon through the holes, making a strap to hold the binoculars. 3. Let the paint or decorations dry before embarking on an exciting nature exploration and adventure! 2. Bottle Cap Magnets: Materials Needed: Bottle caps (cleaned and dried) Acrylic paints or permanent markers Clear adhesive or glue Small magnets Hot glue gun (for adult use) Instructions: 1. Paint or color the bottle caps with vibrant designs and patterns, or create miniature artwork. 2. Once dry, apply a layer of clear adhesive or glue over the painted surface to protect it. 3. Attach a small magnet to the back of each bottle cap using a hot glue gun. 4. Let the magnets dry completely, and proudly display your masterpiece on the fridge or any magnetic surface. 3. Egg Carton Flower Garden: Materials Needed: Empty egg carton Paints or markers Scissors Pipe cleaners or wooden skewers Glue Instructions: 1. Cut out individual cups from the egg carton, each cup representing a flower. 2. Paint or color the cups with various colors to resemble flowers. 3. Once dry, poke a hole at the bottom of each cup and insert a pipe cleaner or wooden skewer, creating the flower stem. 4. Arrange the flowers in a small container or use them to decorate your outdoor garden. 4. Tin Can Wind Chimes: Materials Needed: Empty tin cans (cleaned and dried) Acrylic paints or markers String or fishing line Beads, buttons, or small trinkets Hammer and nail (for adult use) Instructions: 1. Decorate the tin cans using paints or markers with your favorite designs or themes. 2. Make small holes near the top rim of each can using a hammer and nail. 3. Thread a string or fishing line through the holes of each can, tying a knot inside to secure it. 4. Attach beads, buttons, or small trinkets to the bottom of the strings for added decoration and sound. 5. Hang your tin can wind chimes in a breezy area and enjoy the soothing sounds they create. 5. Newspaper Kites: Materials Needed: Old newspapers Dowel or wooden sticks String Tape Scissors Glue Colorful tissue paper or crepe paper (for decorating) Instructions: 1. Cut out a kite shape from a newspaper sheet, ensuring it is large enough to fly. 2. Decorate the kite using colorful tissue paper or crepe paper strips, gluing them onto the newspaper. 3. Attach a dowel or wooden stick to the vertical edge of the kite using tape. 4. Tie a string to the horizontal edge of the kite, creating a harness to hold onto while flying. 5. Find an open space, preferably a park or beach, and let your newspaper kite soar high in the summer sky! With these five summer crafts for kids using recyclables, your kiddos can transform waste into art, learning about recycling and reducing waste. These unexpected summer activities will make you the coolest parent on the block! So, gather your recyclables, embrace the summer spirit, and embark on an educational and entertaining crafting adventure. Let's make recycling a fun and meaningful part of our kids' summer activities! See BVR Waste and Recycling's list of accepted materials below.

  • Spotlight on Recycling: Myths vs. Reality

    June 5th is often referred to as World Environment Day. Since BVR Waste & Recycling handles tons and tons of trash and recyclables every year, we have a unique perspective on our environment. Recycling is a crucial aspect of waste management that plays a significant role in reducing our environmental impact. However, several recycling misconceptions can hinder our efforts to create a sustainable future. Because we’re up close and personal with trash and recycling daily, we can debunk common recycling myths and shed light on the importance of recycling correctly. Let's separate fact from fiction and explore the reality of recycling. 1. Myth: "Everything can be recycled." Reality: While recycling is an effective waste management strategy, not all materials can be recycled. Each recycling facility has limitations; certain materials may not be accepted in local recycling programs. Therefore, checking your local recycling guidelines is crucial to ensure you're recycling suitable materials. Click below to download our Acceptable Materials Flyer. 2. Myth: "Dirty or contaminated items can still be recycled." Reality: Contaminated or dirty items can cause issues during the recycling process. Food residue, liquid waste, or other contaminants can contaminate other recyclables and reduce the quality of recycled materials. It's essential to rinse food containers, remove lids or caps, and keep recyclables clean to ensure their viability for recycling. Click HERE to read our refresh on recyclables article! 3. Myth: "Recycling is a waste of time; it all ends up in the landfill anyway." Reality: Recycling is still worthwhile. When materials are properly recycled, they are processed into raw materials that can be used to manufacture new products. As a result, we conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize waste sent to landfills. In addition, recycling is a vital component of a circular economy, where materials are kept in use for as long as possible. 4. Myth: "Recycling is not financially viable." Reality: While it's true that recycling processes can incur costs, the long-term benefits outweigh the expenses. Recycling conserves resources, reduces the need for raw materials extraction, and saves energy. Additionally, recycling industries create jobs and contribute to economic growth. For example, we have about 80 employees servicing local waste & recycling needs specifically! The financial benefits of recycling extend beyond direct costs and positively impact both the environment and the economy. If you’re not signed up for recycling pick-up services from BVR Waste & Recycling, click HERE to speak with a customer service representative. 5. Myth: "Plastic cannot be recycled." Reality: Plastic recycling is indeed possible, but it comes with some challenges. The recyclability of plastic depends on its type and the availability of local recycling facilities. Some plastics, such as PET and HDPE, have well-established recycling markets, while others, like PVC or polystyrene, are less commonly recycled. Properly sorting plastics and supporting initiatives that promote plastic recycling is essential to enhance the overall plastic recycling infrastructure. Recycling is vital in reducing waste, conserving resources, and mitigating environmental impact. We can make a significant difference in creating a sustainable future through responsible recycling practices. Our website provides helpful resources, recycling guidelines, and tips on reducing your environmental footprint. Join us in our mission to protect the planet and make recycling a part of everyday life.

  • 5 Reasons Why Our Waste & Recycling Service Company Is the Best Choice

    The voting for “Best of the Brazos Valley” is now open for ballots, and we can’t help but reminisce on our victory for the last 13 years. When it comes to waste and recycling services, choosing the right company is crucial. You need a reliable partner who can handle your waste management needs efficiently, responsibly, and with a commitment to environmental sustainability. At BVR Waste & Recycling, we work diligently to be that reliable partner, day in and day out. So, as you consider casting a ballot for Best of the Brazos Valley, we want to provide five compelling reasons why BVR Waste & Recycling stands out as the best choice for waste management requirements. 1. Comprehensive Range of Services: We offer comprehensive services to meet all your waste management needs. Whether you require regular trash collection, recycling services, hazardous waste disposal, or specialized waste solutions, we have you covered. Our BVR team of experts is equipped to handle a wide variety of waste streams, ensuring that you receive a tailored solution that meets your specific requirements. 2. Commitment to Environmental Sustainability: We understand the importance of preserving our environment for future generations. That's why BVR Waste & Recycling is deeply committed to environmental sustainability. We employ state-of-the-art technologies and best practices to minimize the environmental impact of waste disposal. In addition, we promote recycling initiatives and implement waste-to-energy programs. 3. Reliable and Efficient Service: Our waste and recycling service company is committed to providing prompt and reliable service. We understand that timely waste collection and disposal is crucial to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. Therefore, our team ensures that your waste collection is collected on schedule, allowing you to focus on core activities. We also pride ourselves in being receptive to feedback, aka “coachable.” When your trash or recycling isn’t handled how you expect it to be, we have continual communication channels to contact, including email, office assistants, and the mobile app. 4. Compliance with Regulations and Safety Standards: Waste management is a highly regulated industry, and adherence to regulations and safety standards is paramount. As the best choice for waste and recycling services, our company strictly complies with all relevant regulations, ensuring that your waste is handled in accordance with the law. In addition, we prioritize safety in every aspect of our operations, implementing robust safety protocols to protect our employees, clients, and the community. 5. Customized Solutions and Excellent Customer Service: We understand that every business has unique waste management needs. That's why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. BVR Waste & Recycling takes the time to understand your waste stream, assess your needs, and develop a personalized waste management plan that optimizes efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, our commitment to excellent customer service means we are always available to promptly and professionally address any questions, concerns, or issues. In tandem with this commitment to customer service is our dedication to our local communities. We do all we can to support the education systems, community activities, and youth sports programs in our service areas. Choosing the right waste and recycling service company is crucial for efficient waste management and environmental sustainability. BVR Waste & Recycling stands out as the best choice due to our comprehensive range of services, commitment to environmental sustainability, reliable and efficient service, compliance with regulations and safety standards, and dedication to providing customized solutions and excellent customer service. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that your waste management needs are in the hands of professionals who prioritize sustainability, efficiency, and your satisfaction. Click HERE to cast your vote for BVR Waste & Recycling as the Best the Brazos Valley’s Waste Disposal Co. in the Personal & Professional category

  • All You Need to Know About Discarding Yard Scraps

    What to Throw Away and What to Compost Maintaining a tidy and well-kept yard adds to your home's curb appeal and contributes to a healthier environment. When managing yard scraps, knowing which items can be safely thrown away and which can be composted is essential. As the leading source for local waste & recycling in greater Brazos Valley, we share some helpful information below. We hope this helps you make informed choices that benefit your yard and the planet. Read our tips for landscaping your yard HERE. Understanding Yard Scraps: Yard scraps encompass a variety of materials found in your yard, such as leaves, branches, grass clippings, and other organic matter. While some of these items can be composted and used as valuable plant nutrients, others may need to be disposed of properly. Compostable Yard Scraps: Composting is a fantastic way to recycle organic waste and turn it into nutrient-rich soil for your garden. The following yard scraps are ideal for composting: Leaves: Fallen leaves make excellent compost material. They are rich in carbon and break down easily. Grass Clippings: When you mow your lawn, collect the clippings and add them to your compost pile. Grass clippings provide nitrogen, aiding the decomposition process. Plant Trimmings: Cuttings from plants, flowers, or small branches can all be composted. Be sure to chop them into smaller pieces for quicker decomposition. Weeds: While it's important to prevent weed seeds from spreading, seedless weeds can be composted. Ensure the compost reaches high temperatures to kill any potential weed seeds. Shredded Paper and Cardboard: Paper materials such as newspapers, cardboard, and paper bags can be added to your compost pile. However, avoid glossy or colored paper. Yard Scraps to Throw Away: Not all yard scraps are suitable for composting. Special note for residents inside the Brenham city limits- don’t forget to schedule a special yard scrap pick-up through the BVR Waste & Recycling app for large amounts of yard scrap. Small to moderate scraps can be bagged and disposed of in your ordinary BVR bin. Here are some items that should be thrown away: Diseased Plants: Any plants infected with diseases or pests should be disposed of in the regular trash. Composting infected plants can spread the diseases to healthy plants. Pet Waste: Pet waste, including dog feces, should never be added to your compost pile due to potential health risks. Bag it and discard it in the regular trash. Invasive Weeds: Weeds that can spread and cause harm to native plants should be discarded in your regular trash or placed in sealed bags to prevent their growth. Sticks and Branches: Larger sticks and branches are unsuitable for composting, as they take longer to break down. Instead, consider recycling or disposing of them as woody waste. Again, BVR is happy to pick up your yard scraps upon special request! Composting Tips: To make the most of your compost pile, keep these tips in mind: Balance the Ratio: Maintain a good balance between "green" (nitrogen-rich) and "brown" (carbon-rich) materials. Aim for a ratio of roughly 3:1, with more carbon-based materials. Aerate Regularly: Turn your compost pile regularly to promote airflow and encourage decomposition. This helps prevent unpleasant odors and accelerates the process. Maintain Moisture: Ensure your compost pile remains moist but not overly wet. Add water if needed, especially during dry periods. Patience is Key: Composting is a natural process that takes time. So be patient; your garden will have nutrient-rich compost in a few months. Understanding which yard scraps to throw away and which to compost is crucial for maintaining a healthy yard while reducing waste. By composting suitable materials, you can nourish your garden and also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Don’t forget that you can purchase single-grind and double-grind mulch at the Brenham Collection Station and schedule a yard scrap pick-up through the BVR Waste & Recycling app! BVR makes it easy to get your yard cleaned up for summer!

  • The Benefits of Locally Made Mulch from BVR Waste & Recycling

    At the Brenham Collection Station for BVR Waste & Recycling, we offer fresh, locally-made mulch for your yard or business. Mulch is a material that is commonly used in landscaping to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a yard or business. It looks great, and mulch has several plant and soil health benefits. There are many benefits to choosing locally-made mulch from BVR Waste & Recycling... here are just a few! Click HERE to read our tips for landscaping your yard with BVR! What is Mulch? Mulch is a material spread over the surface of the soil to protect and nourish it. It can be made from various materials, including wood chips, straw, leaves, grass clippings, and even shredded rubber. When used correctly, mulch provides a number of benefits to both your plants and soil. Since we process so many different materials, we can offer safe, nutritious, single-ground mulch for $10 per ton and double-ground for $22.50 per ton. Benefits of Using Mulch Retains Moisture Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, which is essential for the growth of plants. By preventing water from evaporating from the soil, mulch ensures your plants can access the moisture they need to thrive. Reduces Weeds Mulch also helps to reduce the growth of weeds. By blocking out sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating, mulch can significantly reduce the time you spend weeding your yard or your business’s landscaping. Improves Soil Quality As the mulch decomposes, it releases nutrients into the soil. This helps to improve soil quality over time, making it easier for plants to grow and thrive. Regulates Soil Temperature Mulch also helps to regulate soil temperature. In the summer, it can keep the soil cool and prevent it from overheating, while in the winter, it can help to insulate the soil and protect it from freezing. It's important to maintain your mulch. Over time, it will decompose and need to be replenished. You should also check it regularly to ensure it isn't harboring pests or diseases. In conclusion, using mulch in your yard or business landscaping is an easy and effective way to improve the health and appearance of your plants and soil. By retaining moisture, reducing weeds, improving soil quality, and regulating soil temperature, mulch provides many benefits that can help your landscaping thrive. Call the BVR experts today to reserve your mulch!

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